Abstracts (oral presentations)

Presented at UK and International medical conferences

1. Segal JP, Mclaughlin SD, Faiz OD, Clark SK, Hart AL

Is pre-pouch ileitis associated with poor long term outcomes? Long term outcomes of patients with pre-pouch ileitis in a tertiary centre

Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland, Bournemouth 2017

Willington R, Lashmar V, Benes K, Barnett K, Ciclitira PJ, Weaver SA, McLaughlin SD

Push Enteroscopy Leads to a Change in Diagnosis in the Majority of Patients With Positive Celiac Serology and Negative Duodenal Biopsy

Digestive Diseases Week, American Gastroenterology Association, Florida 2013

2. McLaughlin SD, ClarkSK,  Tekkis PP, Ciclitira PJ, Nicholls RJ

Maintenance antibiotic therapy for chronic pouchitis, complications and clinical outcome

Association of Coloproctology ofGreat BritainandIreland,HarrogateJune 2009

Colorectal Disease, Vol. 11 (Supp. I) McLaughlin SD, ClarkSK,  Tekkis PP, Ciclitira PJ, Nicholls RJ

Clostridium difficile and extended spectrum beta-lactamase resistant bacteria in chronic pouchitis patients

Association of Coloproctology ofGreat BritainandIreland,HarrogateJune 2009

Colorectal Disease, Vol. 11 (Supp. I) 76

  1. McLaughlin SD, ClarkSK,  Tekkis PP, Ciclitira PJ, Nicholls RJ

Stool coliform testing can predict effective treatment regimes for patients with antibiotic resistant pouchitis

American Gastroenterology Association, Digestive Diseases Week,ChicagoMay 2009

Gastroenterology Vol.136, Issue 5, (Supp. 1)

  1. McLaughlin SD, ClarkSK, Petrovska L, Tekkis PP, Ciclitira PJ, Nicholls RJ

A novel test to predict effective treatment regimes for patients with antibiotic resistant pouchitis

British Society of Gastroenterology Annual meeting, Glasgow March 2009.

Gut Vol. 58 (Supp. 1) A12

  1. McLaughlin SD,Bell AJ,ClarkSK, Tekkis PP, Ciclitira PJ, Nicholls RJ.

Antibiotics are effective for the treatment of pre-pouch ileitis following restorative proctocolectomy

Association of Coloproctology ofGreat BritainandIreland,BirminghamJuly 2008

Colorectal Disease, Vol. 10, (Supp. I) 49

  1. McLaughlin SD, L Petrovska, Walker A, Clark SK, Johnson MW, Tekkis PP, Parkhill J, Dougan G, Ciclitira PJ, Nicholls RJ.

Evidence for a bacterial dysbiosis in pouchitis after restorative proctocolectomy (RPC) using 16s rRNA sequencing: prelimary report of an ongoing study

Association of Coloproctology ofGreat BritainandIreland,BirminghamJuly 2008

Colorectal Disease, Vol. 10, (Supp. I) 51

  1. McLaughlin SD,ClarkSK,Bell AJ, Tekkis PP, Ciclitira PJ, Nicholls RJ.

Incidence and implications of pre-pouch ileitis following restorative proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis

The American Society of colon and rectal surgeons annual meeting/tripartite meeting,BostonJune 2008

Diseases of theColonand Rectum, Vol. 51, May.

  1. McLaughlin SD, L Petrovska, Walker A, Clark SK, Johnson MW, Tekkis PP, Parkhill J, Dougan G, Ciclitira PJ, Nicholls RJ.

Dysbiosis and pouchitis, evidence from 16srRNA sequencing

Digestive Disease Week,San DiegoMay 2008, Gastroenterology Vol. 134, Issue 4 (Supp. 1)

  1. McLaughlin SD,ClarkSK,Bell AJ, Tekkis PP, Ciclitira PJ, Nicholls RJ.

Incidence and implications of pre-pouch ileitis in patients following restorative proctocolectomy.

British Society of Gastroenterology Annual meeting,BirminghamMarch 2008.

Gut 57 (Suppl. I) A27.

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